
The Corona Pandemic is controlling the world. How do young people experience the crisis? Which dream was shattered through Corona? Which plans were destroyed? The campaign #DreamOn presents youths who talk about their dreams and hopes in times of COVID-19.

Young People and the Corona Crisis Hopes and wishes from all over the world

How is the Corona crisis affecting young people in the world? This is the main question of the campaign #DreamOn. The campaign was brought to life by Don Bosco Mission Bonn on the occasion of the International Youth Day on August 12th. More than 150 young people from 25 different countries took part. We received photos and statements from Brasil, Chile, India, South Korea, Tanzania, the Philippines, Vietnam among others. They are messages of hope but also concerns about their future.

Turning point in life

For many teenagers the closing of schools is problematic. Their graduations had to be postponed, the graduation parties were cancelled. Starting an internship was impossible and many have even lost their jobs. Corona hits young people at a crucial turning point in their lives: the start into their job life. They are worried that they won’t be able to finish school in good rank and find a good job afterwards. Despite all those uncertainties young people are trying to stay positive and optimistic.

I’m staying hopeful!

Mica, 22 years from Argentina 

Covid-19 has changed everything. My plans were changed by the pandemic. I wanted to contentrate on my studies and my final exams this year. Everything took place online instead and it was very chaotic.

During quarantine it was difficult for most people to live together. Being trapped at home drove many people crazy. Every day there were good and bad news. It was emotionally difficult for me to handle. Nevertheless I get up hopeful every morning. I want to finish my studies and I want to be there for my country, my family and other people.

Recognizing values and goals

Many young people use the crisis to find out what is important in their lives. “This pandemic has shown me that people are full of love and that there are not only bad people in the world”, says 20-year-old Mario Jorge from Brasil. Others feel strengthened in their relationshop with God and use the time to learn new skills like 17-year-old Anju from Sri Lanka: “I have more free time now. It want to use it to be more creative and to question developments critically.”

Participation of young people

The campaign #DreamOn wants to put young people during the Corona crisis in the centre. It wants to show what the crisis means to them. How are they dealing with the fact that the world they know is falling apart? And how can we support them?  “Even in times of social distancing and quarantine it’s very important to make young peoples voices heard. We need to give them support through community and we need to listen to them”, says Dr. Nelson Penedo, Managing Director of Don Bosco Mission Bonn. “Young people want to be heard in times of crisis."

Dreams Around The World

Solidarity in the crisis

Young people also show solidarity with those especially affected by the crisis. “As soon as the pandemic is over I want to pursue my plans and help people who live on the streets. Even if they are almost invisible and socially excluded from society, they are the ones who are mainly affected by the situation”, emphasizes 19-year-old Tomás from Chile.

More Messages

Shalima, 22 years from India

Through Corona I realized that life is very uncertain. My biggest dream is to travel around, meet new people, experience new cultures. It want to help others and find happiness in small things.

Joseph, 18 years from Uganda

I was afraid of an infection and so I had to skip my walks in the evenings. I miss our daily masses and school life. Nevertheless I believe in a bright and better future. I read a lot and dream about a good graduation from school.

Huỳnh Anh Tuấn,19 years from Vietnam

This pandemic has turned everything upside down: Thinking, Acting, Feeling. I was so happy when we were able to return to cooking school in May because I want to become a famous chef.

Joseph, 19 years from Bangladesh

I want to become a famous chef. Despite the resistance of my parents and corona. I am grateful to God for my life. I pray to him for the healing of our planet and for a new start of everything.

Sadun, 20 years from Sri Lanka

Actually I wanted to migrate to Cypress this year to work in tourism. Instead I continued working as an insurance agent. However, I dream on about that next year I can migrate and find a better paid job.

Brithany, 18 years from Mexico

My graduation ceremony could only take place online but it was nevertheless nice. I am grateful that I am healthy and that I can be together with my loved ones. God turns grief into joy. Trust him!

Maria, 22 years from Brasil

In spite of Corona I would like to pursue my personal goals. That includes to go running regularly and to eat more healthily. And I want to offer my students creative and interesting classes.

Belén, 22 years from Chile

With all my heart I want to be an educator. I want to set a good example for others and accompany kids in finding their own way. I hope and believe that at the end of the pandemic I will embrace my loved ones all the more.

Joseph, 20 years from Sambia

I wanted to organize a big Live Musical Show. But it had to be cancelled due to Corona. That is why I am playing a lot of music now to practice.

Noch Fragen?

Die Ordensgemeinschaft der Salesianer Don Boscos sowie die Don Bosco Schwestern haben es sich zum Ziel gesetzt, weltweit benachteiligten jungen Menschen in Risikosituationen zu helfen. Sie setzen sich für eine bessere Welt mit mehr Zukunftschancen für Kinder und Jugendliche an sozialen Brennpunkten ein. Don Boscos Werk gilt als die wohl größte kirchliche Schöpfung des 19. und 20. Jahrhunderts. Heute sind rund 15.000 Salesianer Don Boscos in über 1.800 Niederlassungen in 132 Ländern hauptsächlich in der Jugendarbeit tätig. 

Don Bosco ist der Name des italienischen Priesters und Seelsorgers Johannes Bosco, der sich schon vor mehr als 150 Jahren für die Jugend einsetzte. Die Jugendlichen zu Zeiten Don Boscos haben zwar unter anderen Umständen gelebt als die heutige Jugend, doch viele Probleme und Herausforderungen sind die gleichen geblieben. Auch heute noch leben viele junge Menschen am Rande der Gesellschaft. Sie haben es schwer gesellschaftlich teilzuhaben und sich eine Zukunft aufzubauen. Deswegen steht der Name Don Bosco heute für ein weltweit tätiges Netzwerk mit einem erfolgreichen und bewährten pädagogischen Ansatz, das sich für die Anliegen von Kindern und Jugendlichen einsetzt.

Don Bosco Mission Bonn fördert Projekte der Salesianer Don Boscos und der Don Bosco Schwestern in circa 80 Ländern. Schwerpunktländer sind:

  • Afrika: Demokratische Republik Kongo, Ghana, Elfenbeinküste, Kenia, Madagaskar, Ruanda, Sambia, Sierra Leone, Südafrika, Südsudan, Uganda.
  • Asien: Indien, Myanmar,Philippinen, Vietnam
  • Ozeanien: Papua Neuguinea, Salomonen
  • Lateinamerika: Argentinien, Bolivien, Haiti, Kolumbien, Peru
  • Nahost: Ägypten, Jordanien, Libanon, Syrien, Türkei
  • Osteuropa: Albanien, Republik Moldau, Rumänien

Eine Übersicht finden Sie in unserer Länderkarte.

In unseren Projekten fördern wir Kinder und Jugendliche weltweit, die am Rand der Gesellschaft leben oder Gefahr laufen, ausgegrenzt zu werden. Die Gründe hierfür sind vielfältig: Körperliche, geistige oder seelische Beeinträchtigungen, eine zerrüttete Herkunftsfamilie, Drogenerfahrung, Aberglaube, Leben im Slum, Zugehörigkeit zu einer ausgegrenzten Bevölkerungsgruppe oder aufgrund der ethnischen oder religiösen Zugehörigkeit.

Wir engagieren uns für junge Menschen in Not – unabhängig von ihrer ethnischen Zugehörigkeit, Geschlecht, sozialer Herkunft und Weltanschauung.
Damit das Leben dieser jungen Menschen gelingt!

Don Bosco Mission Bonn veröffentlicht seine Jahresberichte im Internet. Auf Wunsch können sie auch zugesandt werden. Der Jahresbericht informiert über die Struktur von Don Bosco Mission Bonn, die Mitarbeiter, Mittelverwendung sowie Einnahmen und Ausgaben. Sollten Sie noch zusätzliche Fragen haben, gibt der Spender-Service Ihnen gerne in einem persönlichen Gespräch unter 0228-53965-20 oder per E-Mail an info(at)donboscomission.de Auskunft.

Damit das Leben junger Menschen gelingt!